Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I started to write an item about how smart it was of the Obamas to setup Caroline Kennedy as the head of the Veep search team.
It is smart because Kennedy is a Kennedy, a woman, and not a friend of Bill's or Hillary's either.
It also sends a message that the running mate will not be up for negotiation. The best will be found independently and absolutely. Obama will not be held hostage by the Clintons.
Then I started writing about Hillary some more and decided, 'fuck it'.
I want her gone so make her gone.
She is already disappearing from the newspages. She made a spectacle of herself last night.
That is enough.
I am done.
The Clintons thrive on attention so let's just quit giving it to them.
Goodbye Hill and Bill.
Thanks for everything.
There was a time I was with you and now I am not.

Labels: Barack Obama, hillary