Friday, May 23, 2008
CNN was all twittery with 'rumors' this morning that Clinton is making a hard bid to trade concession for the Vice President slot.
I got very upset with it all and then got quiet and realized that I could accept that if it happened.
I don't want it to happen but I can accept it.
Yesterday, a voter in Florida asked Obama whether he would pick a running mate whose spouse was a pain in the butt? Everyone laughed. So you can see that it is on everyone's mind as well as one of the major problems with it. Bill.
I have a take on all this.
Here it goes.
Hillary is still in the stages of grief. She hit denial and is now in bargaining with some anger thrown in.
But she gets it. She has lost. She is not going to get her way on Florida and Michigan.
She hears that Obama is taking steps to explore running mates.
She gets panicky. Meeting with the DNC is one thing. Looking for Veeps is another.
Bill is pressing her to go for the second slot.
She sees that Obama is already exploring. Has set up a committee.
She lurches into gear to save the bacon. Half a pound is better than none.
Sort of like that.
It is painful to watch this shit unfold.
Obama is conducting himself with grace and dignity and with a great deal of respect for the iron lady.
He is shrewd and smart.
That is why I would accept her as the second in line. He would not take a raw deal and he would see it as being the best route.
He is already my President and I am ready to follow his lead.
Even into the land of the 'little bit weird'.