
Friday, May 23, 2008


John Aravosis, a blogger with more of a conspiracist tinge than most, has two rumors.

One is that Obama already told Hillary that she would not be Veep and that is why she is acting out so strangely this last week.

The second is more of a surmise.

That is the apparent fact that Bill and Hillary would not survive the vetting process required for the second position.

They would have to show all their recent stuff.

Even though Hill likes to say that she is the most vetted candidate, that is true only up through 2000.

Perhaps since she first ran for the Senate whenever that was.

They would not want to be run through the necessary mill for the VPOTUS.

Bill's shenanigans are probably legal but they are not the kind of thing the Obamas want to have to explain.

I like the rumor though. That he already told them 'no'.

As someone else pointed out, if he can't stand up to Hillary and Bill how could he stand up to the worst of the worst dictators and evil doers?

Or conversely, if he can stand up to them he can handle anyone.

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