Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Today's movie was
the Indie hit of last year.
It is certainly a fine film.
There is hardly a false move in it and the characters are so genuinely uncommon that they engage from the beginning.
This would not work without Ellen Page and Michael Cera (who I really admired in, of all things, Superbad) in their roles as young lovers.
Everyone in the cast brings more than the average depth to their roles.
The main thing is that nothing bad happens in this picture.
Even when parents, yuppies and high school stereotypes are mildly mocked, it is in a gentle way.
I do not think that a film like this could be made before this particular time. It is a product of our present culture. As such, it shows us that, while bad things can happen to nice people, nice people have many ways to cope which even they thought they did not own. They can surf over life's waves with dignity and grace.
I think that it also shows that the future is in good hands.
Alison Janney and J. K. Bateman as the parents are superb. Janney is a favorite actress. Another possible film fest just for her.
I would gladly see this again just to get all the funny lines and to see the beauty of the performances one more time.
I will give it a 5 out of Netflix5.