Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I have not written much about this thing with Obama's ex-pastor.
They guy is a loose cannon. On a roll into his 15 minutes of fame.
Bad timing for Obama.
But I think he is handling it well.
This is one more example of how we let religion mess up our whole electoral process.
The religionists seem to think that they have this claim on our attention. I mean both sides of every issue.
For every Wright there is another right wing ideologue demagogue ready to pounce.
It muddies the stream.
All in all we have just too much 'religious' blather entirely.
It is too bad but it cannot be helped.
This is surely a test of Obama's mettle.
It is also good to get all this brush cleared away now before the general.
I hate this shit.
We have let the christists take over the agenda in this country and it will be literally hell to pry their cold dead fingers off of it.
Labels: christist watch, obama, religion