
Sunday, April 20, 2008


The personal is political and the political is sure personal.

This article parses the losses that the Clintons have undergone as key Democratic party leaders decide whether the Clintons are still good for the party.

Clintons Sort Friends: Past and Present

Loyalty is all to the Clintons. Loyalty is all to their supporters in the past. God knows he took us to the edge of endurance with his pecadillos and his lying about them.

I had to leave her/him/them, finally, in this campaign. I couldn't handle the entitlement; the nastiness. The us-first attitude.

I get what must be in the hearts and minds of people who have been loyal through all these years.

But they have not uncoupled. They cannot.

She has campaigned on his administration and we know that electing her will mean re-electing him as well. There is not one doubt in my mind about that.

She/He/They had their time and place and it is over.

Go gracefully into the sunset Billary.

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