Saturday, April 05, 2008
First swim of the season.
John gave me a haircut today and the little clippings were driving me nuts so I went and looked at the pool temperature and it was a perfect 85. So I went in.
It was perfect. And the air was nice when I got out.
I was surprised.
This morning it was 79 in the pool and 61 in the air. Way too cold for me.
But with the sun and all it warmed up. The solar system helps a lot.
I suspect that some people think that we swim all year 'round.
We live in Southern California, right? And not only that, we live in the desert, huh?
That is true. We do. But it is not swimming weather here from about November through March.
We can make the water warm but we can't really make the sun go up high or have it feel OK when we get out.
People from back east can go in almost all year.
Vacationers. People with thermostats that are used to minus 20 degree chill factors.
We are acclimated to the way things go out here. Winter is still winter. Some of us even wear heavy coats.
David Hockney didn't help the myth with his swimming pool paintings but he sure captured the pools.

That's another SoCal thing.
We enjoy our pools even when we aren't swimming in them.
They are the ultimate "water feature".
We look at ours all the time. The colors. The patterns. The very presence of it. A small coastline.