
Saturday, March 01, 2008


Clinton campaign challenged on the ‘tested by crisis’ claim

In general reviews are mixed.

Clinton certainly seems to have grabbed the news cycle but if it led to being exposed to the question of 'what has she done' or 'what will she do' there seems to be a thud.

I think that this is very good.

The GOoPers will be all over this in the campaign no matter who the Demo is.

McCain is all terror, all the time.

He is a muscle flexer.

He will be all over this issue.

Talking straight and tough and all that shit.

Of course, we had one of those poseurs doing the job for 8 years and look what we have for it.

But this is a campaign. Rules are different. Rhetoric, even the empty kind, matters.

I think that Obama has the only good answer.

The example of his judgement on Viet.......ooops.....pardon me. I just got out of a film about that.

I mean I-rack.

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