
Monday, March 31, 2008


The new Bosch 2700 ES-NG tankless water heater arrived today and will be installed tomorrow.

I hope it works.

We know a lot of people who have gotten them.

This is the newest latest model with the most capacity. So new I can't find an image of it on Google.

It saves a bunch of energy.

What I am interested in is that we are done with the tank.

I have had tank water heaters all my life and they always fail. With a splash.

The one we have now is as old as we are and is calcifying inside so that we are getting flakes of ca-carbonate stuck in all the screens in the house faucets.

It is not a huge annoyance to clear them but it is an annoyance. Not a reason to get the new system but now that we are getting it, nice to have over with it.

That is not to say that the new heater won't calcify some. But it is simpler and it will take a lot longer to do it.

We have very hard water.

Everything gets a coat of the white stuff.

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