
Saturday, March 08, 2008


I really enjoyed this Op-Ed piece in the LATimes today:

Why We Still Need Clinton

Now I know that it is a bit over the top here and there but the basic idea is true.

I have to admit at feeling some sadness when she was losing so badly and a bit of exhilaration when she won the other day in Ohio and Texas.

I have a friend who said she felt sorry for Hillary before last Tuesday.

She got over that fast.

I love that the Democratic Party has depth.

You know, there were at least three other candidates in the primary who were well qualified, Richardson, Biden and Dodd.

Not presidential timbre maybe but still.

It is McCain in the other party because there was no option. None.

And he is not the best.

The best didn't show up because it is so hopeless for them.

I am proud to be a Democrat today.

I have not always felt that way.

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