
Saturday, March 29, 2008


I just put The Carpetbagger up as a regular blog link (Steve Benen).

Over there on the right. Well, you know. He is actually on the Left!

I have been reading it for about three weeks and am spending more time as I go along.

Look at today for example:

  • Bennen deconfuses Bush's confusion over Iraq in a few para's.
  • The revival of the Siegelman/Rove connection is summarized.
  • In the most interesting post, he covers one of the amazing facts about the McCain Campaign. McCain's chief economic adviser is my old friend Phil Gramm who basically invented the system that has caused the current economic meltdown. On top of that, he is known as a first class asshole. He has been out of commission for quite awhile and now emerges from under a rock to help the economically clueless (self admission) McCain.
  • Some fun reading about the fix that Fox is in with the descendancy of the GOoPers.
  • A nice bunch of writing and reading.

    I didn't hear it all here first but he does a nice job with reviving and freshening the older items laying down some new paths and ideas.


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