
Saturday, February 23, 2008


In tomorrow's NYT:

Soldiering On, but Somber as the Horizon Darkens

It is a sad moment. Of course, we do not know how it will turn out.

Perhaps she can make a comeback. But I don't think so.

It would have to be some major external that would cause it.

Here is an extract from what seems to be a thoughtful article drawn from 15 inside interviews.

Over take-out meals and late-night drinks, some regrets and recriminations have set in, and top aides have begun to face up to the campaign’s possible end after the Texas and Ohio primaries on March 4. Engaging in hindsight, several advisers have now concluded that they were not smart to use former President Bill Clinton as much as they did, that “his presence, aura and legacy caused national fatigue with the Clintons,” in the words of one senior adviser who spoke on condition of anonymity to assess the campaign candidly.

The campaign’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, and its communications director, Howard Wolfson, have expressed frustration with the difficulty of “running against a phenomenon” in Senator Barack Obama; their attacks have not stopped Mr. Obama from winning the last 11 contests. Some aides said Mr. Penn and the former campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, had conceived and executed a terribly flawed campaign, something Ms. Solis Doyle disputes. Both she and Mr. Penn have been especially criticized as not planning a political strategy to compete in the primaries after Feb. 5.

I felt the use of Bill was a big mistake from the get-go.

And when he was set loose he was out of campaign control.

Many people do not want to go backwards and to be reminded of the old Billary thing was not good.

And then there is the issue of independence. If she was the President would we want Bill running around like a loose cannon? Would they let him? Would he do it? I think we got a taste of it and it tasted sour.

I think that the second para is telling.

On a small scale it is like the bushies not being prepared for what happened next in Iraq.

She couldn't see beyond the ego and the coronation assumption.

Too bad.

That would make another stubborn short sighted administration and no one in this country wants that except the 30 % or so faithful. Actually, as of the other day, 19%. But McCain will have a lot more than that.

I do not think that it will be an easy win for either of the Dems.

We are in for a tough General election.

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