Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Karl Rove's old strategy was to attack the strengths of the opponent directly and undermine his or her claims.
Clinton (and McCain) are going right to that play book in trying to attack Obama or being eloquent.
This seems pretty stupid to me.
It might work for some level of character but not in some obvious area where it is apparent to one and all that the attack is petty, besides the point, whiny and mean.
Who the fuck does she think she is? Well, I am afraid we are getting to find out.
I was amused to see that immediately after her attack about words versus deeds he gave a 45 minute stemwinder in Houston.
Which they cut to right away from Hillary's speech in Ohio.
This is a version of "the rich get richer" in that winners rule on teevee time. She gets cut to go to him.
He is cutting deeply into her demographic. This is bad news for the Clintons.
And the fact that I think of her as 'them' is bad news for us.
We couldn't handle a dual presidency and they have made some mistakes that have tipped us off about this possibility.
Maybe it really is Billary for President.
De ja vu all over again.
That dog won't hunt. It might in Arkansas but not out here.