Sunday, February 03, 2008
So you think that the Patriots/Giant thing is a big deal?
Look at the Obama/Clinton race in California.
Maria Shriver (Schwarzenegger) endorsed Obama this morning.
What will Ahnold say?
He backs McCain.
Not that he should say anything but he will and it will keep the press going into tomorrow.
And the Field Poll which is never wrong in California now says, as does Zogby, that it is neck and neck.
Hillary had a lead and it may be going away.
But a lot of people here vote absentee. They have either wasted their votes (Edwards, or have voted prior to the latest Obamentum (if any) and so we shall see what we shall see.
We will just wait until Tuesday. The real poll.
This, incidentally is one reason that I will not vote absentee unless I am really, honestly absent.
Issues change. People change.
It is potentially a wasted vote.
The other reason is that I like to go down to the poll and pull the lever or push the screen or, as we will be doing this time, making the mark on paper with a pencil. The old fashioned way.
The California Secretary of State has thrown all the electronic equipment out.
They have all been shown to be hackable and they do not want any taint.
Good for them.
Our county, Riverside, was a trailblazer. I don't think that I have ever voted on paper here.
But even those machines have been warehoused.
This means that the vote counting will be slow, slow, slow.
Especially with the absentees.
Especially if it is close.
They have to match up the absentee ballot with the registration and that takes time.
It will be a circus.
I think that the whole thing will be a spectacle going down to the convention.
The last time that happened we got Hubert Humphrey and you know about that. The Chicago riots. Nixon elected.
Now that was a time. Talk about your circuses.
Humphrey did not win the primary votes incidentally. His candidacy was decided on the floor with competitors humping their votes to him. A lot of smoke filled rooms.