Friday, February 08, 2008
Since late yesterday afternoon, I have been having trouble with the 'net.
I did the usual shit. I shut it all down and rebooted.
Then at 330 AM the thing worked great.
Throughout this entire period I was able to get mail (some without its html) which told me that the problem was capacity.
You know the famous Sen. Ted Stevens story about the internet 'pipes'. I decided they had a leak.
But back from the gym and ready to go back on line, I was in the slows again.
I called Road Runner (TimeWarnerCable) and had them trouble shoot my modem.(They can look right down the pipe and see it!)
I knew there wasn't any trouble with it but you do what you need to do whether you believe it will reveal something or not. The reason is that every net head will ask you if you tried restart, then rebooting, and then checking the modem with the vendor.
If you have not followed these steps, they will not really talk to you.
After some fruitless discussion with a 'level 2' guy at RoadRunner who knew less than the 1st level guy, I was booted up to earthlink.
Aaaaargh! Telephone hell. They were shut down with phone calls. So I went for the automated diagnosis. Then to the net (I actually got through) for a 'chat'. Back to phone hell when the chat didn't work.
The automated trouble shooter sent me back to Road Runner.
A closed loop. Familiar territory on the 'net and in phone-service. Kafka.
By this time, I had figured that it is the router or is having trouble.
I swung to the latter because from time to time the portals would open and I would be able to go across the net in my usual speed of light way.
Then, I would lapse into a slow motion dribble of bits which were often so long in completing that my computer would time out.
I was open to the router idea and was about to connect my machine to the cable directly.
But, then, there was a sudden resurgence and it has stayed hot wired since about 11 AM.
Pain in the ass. But, as John said, it is not a threat to our comfort.
I hate to admit that it still freaks me out though.
Do you think that I am net-dependent?
Labels: internet