
Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Today's movie was Judd Apatow's

Knocked Up (2007)

The NYT review at the link says that it is an instant classic and I think that they are right.

I had misgivings. I have seen enough of these boys with potty mouths who can't become men stories before and they are often unbearable.

This, on the other hand, is quite sweet, very funny, nicely paced and wonderfully cast.

There is the potty mouth stuff but it is smart and actually funny and requires a brain to process it correctly.

Seth Rogan is a revelation. He has all the looks of a slug but the brain is on high and the voice and demeanor is full bore disciplined.

He is a Jack Black with a heart. And he can throw a significant change in mood (meaning that he can act rather then just do his number).

Katherine Hiegl is the mom and is totally convincing as the beauty that falls in love with the beast.


And Paul Rudd. I love Paul Rudd.

I liked that Harold Ramis plays Rogen's dad.

Ramis is the king of movie comedy. Writer, producer, director.

A homage.

I will give it a 5 out of Netflix5 and maybe I will go see the other Apatow films.

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