
Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I watched the debate last night on video streaming. Or streaming video.

Well, I saw part of it. I missed the parts that were interrupted or stopped by the buffering and I quit when I had enough.

This technology is not ready for prime time.

I won't be interested in downloading movies on stream at all.

Where was I?

The debate.

Let's start with Tim Russert who is an extreme asshole.

I will admit that he is an equal opportunity asshole. He did it to both candidates. Immaterial, accusatory, petty, and misleading.

Brian Williams is a non-entity. An empty suit.

The candidates?

I don't think that she laid a glove on him.

She is getting shrill and petty.

No that is not sexist.

The other guy after the broadcast, Tweety, is shrill and petty. Chris Matthews.

Ron Paul is shrill and petty. Dennis Kucinich.

We expect it from the fringe.

Nader is just whining.

There was some substance to the debate.

There were issues.

There was meat.

And I don't think that anything was necessarily changed by it all.

I am glad that it is that last one in the primary cycle.

I have had enough.

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