Sunday, January 06, 2008
I watched the documentary
It is a streamlined outline of how we got into Iraq and how we fucked up.
It is, to say the least, damning.
I do not think that I saw anything that surprised me but I have never had it all laid out so competently and in one place.
And they did not have time to tell it all.
The interviews are terse.
There is one 'debate' with two interviews interlaced by the editing.
There is not a lot of blood actually.
It is more at the policy level.
I do know about it. I just, over time, lose track.
I had forgotten the UN bombing.
Stuff like that.
I think that it is hard to tweeze out the documentary quality from the political message.
I will rate it a 4 out of Netflix5 because of its clarity.

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