
Monday, January 21, 2008


I have just finished reading one of the NYTimes Ten Best Books of 2007

Out Stealing Horses

The review at the link is almost longer than the book.

I wouldn't read it in depth. Just scan it to see if the book is to your taste.

I disagree in that I do not think it is gloomy at all. I found it life affirming.

Sure, there are some things that are not as 'right' as one would like to think but it is about a life.

The structure is intriguing. It spans fifty years but does so with memory.

You will like the protagonist. Well, I did.

If anyone wants the book to read I will send it to them.

I am getting over saving books.

On the other hand, this might be a re-reader for later on.

But I think not.

I got it and I liked it the first time.


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