Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I am getting settled back in the gym.
It is nice to be in the routine.
Part of it is being in touch with old acquaintances.
Notice the I didn't say friends.
These are guys who are particularly eccentric. I am a magnet for them.
I wonder what that is all about anyway? Does that put me in their class?
I don't think so.
Today I saw Rob the Ranter.
This guy is a tinderbox. You are the match.
In any conversation, it is highly probable that you will strike a spark.
He is off!
Not at you. It is all the government, real estate rip-offs, his ex. There are a wide range of subjects. And he has the most extreme views.
The level of energy is extraordinary. You do not have to participate.
You do not even have to stop your workout. He will follow you.
It is not funny. Well, it is at a certain level but not for as long as it goes on.
There are others.
There is Tom the Talker.
Not a ranter. A talker.
If you get near enough you will be in a conversation.
You have to actively extract yourself. Better not to even get close.
There is another guy. Tim the Talker.
The other day I saw them meet at the leg curl machine as I started my workout. Tom sitting, Tim standing.
They were still going strong at the end of my workout.
Mutual deterrence. If you can get them to talk then they are not going around dragging "hello" out to extraordinary lengths.
I don't say hello to The Parson.
He does not say anything to anyone as far as I can tell.
He is semi-famous as a figure on the local scene but he obviously seeks to be cloistered in the gym environment.
He doesn't work out very hard.
Not that I am watching at all.
He also goes on the same bike every day and to be sure it is the right one, he counts down from the end. A little bit of compulsive behavior that looks good on a man of the cloth. It shows there are some moth holes.
There are certainly other people who I talk to and that are undistinguished by odd or annoying behavior. About ten or so.
So there is a nice mix of people to watch and people to be with.
I wonder what people think about me?
And I was wrong about the music. It is not the same on the same day at the same time. It does get mixed up. I think maybe the mixer was off when I started. It was the holiday.
Anyway I am seeing a lot of music video these days. Some of it very good.
Oh. By the way.
My workout routine is progressing very nicely. I am getting more fit every time. I can see and feel it.
This is actually the reason I go to the gym. Not to watch or meet people, form friendships or see music videos. But they are a part of the process.
Labels: fitness