
Sunday, January 13, 2008


I don't usually link to someone for the comments but this one is pretty good to go through.

Kevin Drum lists some Conservative myths and then invites readers to put down some Liberal myths for later summary listing.

At this writing there are 85 comments. You can skip the yak of the first ten or so to get to serious lists that people propose for us Liberals amd Progressive.

Five Conservative Myths

As a (gasp) Liberal, I have believed many of the myths listed and still do believe some of them. Here are a few.

  • Bill Clinton's budgetary and economic policies are responsible for the economic prosperity of our nation during his administration.
  • Nader cost Al Gore the election in 2000.
  • A Democratic president would not have invaded Iraq. (This one is hypothetical. But Clinton very much wanted to invade Iraq in 1998)
  • Israel is one of the most oppressive, abusive states on the planet
  • Conservative opinion-makers don't really believe the things they say, but are playing to the rubes.
  • These are all from the lists I see in the comments.

    There are some liberal myths that I have never believed and do not believe today. I would put these on the list but I learned a long time ago that going on comment sections of other people's blogs is a mug's game..

  • Government can solve all social problems and the feds can do it better than the states.
  • Extreme measures are never justified in interrogating prisoners of war or terrorists.
  • That a progressive taxation system will solve the problems of inequity in the distribution of income.
  • That business people are essentially immoral or amoral and cannot be expected to make socially responsible decisions.
  • And so on.

    I don't believe these latter myths. I more or less believe the first five from the list.


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