
Thursday, December 20, 2007


I am into the fourth day of my new gym regimen.

It is actually my old gym regimen brought back to life.

I am using the on line trainer at Gym America which is the same software that I was using at Mens Health (now a really lousy Good Housekeeping for men--hetero sex hints, abs obsessions and tabloid level articles without the aliens).

So, I am at Gym America.

Where was I? Oh yes. The gym.

Well, it is the same only different.

The equipment is in great shape.

Many of the people are the same. My friend Joe is still holding court.

A few have died in the 2-3 years I was away—a really old guy and a couple of steroid users. Don't they get that it will get you?

I have settled into a workout routine. Thirty minutes on the elliptical or the bike. Thirty minutes at the weights.

I am OK on the cardio work. I am getting to relearn all the settings. The seat. The program. The heart rate.

And I get to watch video.

Classic music (The Stones, Hall and Oates, and so on. Some of the older guys shown as they are today). And then some shit on TNT. I don't even bother watching.

CNN is not the CNN that I left. There is no news there.

This morning I saw the marooned family emerge from the north California forest three times, Dr. Gupta and useless medical hints 2 times, Rudy with flu symptoms countless times. Little else.

There was no business or world news. There were no serious headlines. There was nothing but pap. Pure pap but pap nonetheless. And smiling. I have to mention smiling.

I had heard that this was the case but I had not seen it.

It makes me sore that we have come so far from a central ethic or truth. This is the mainstream. It sucks.


Oh. Yes.

Muscle sore.

Not too too bad really.

It is general but not too bad.

When I went on the etrainer program I did pushups for them. I won't tell you how many.

So they know more or less how slack my upper body is.

They are treating me gently ever mindful of the negative training effect. All pain and we don't go back.

I like it.

I am glad to be back inside.

I have not missed the bike so far.

All is well with the world.

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