
Thursday, December 27, 2007


I am in my second week at the gym.

There are a lot of good things about it. The old friends are there. I am back in harness on the weights. The cardio machines are superb.

Some annoyances; mostly the incessant blare of the music video.

It is not as loud as when I left but it is intrusive.

"OK", I thought. "I can get off on watching old favorites while I do the cardio. A half hour of Classic Rock".

Good enough for the first week.

This week I realize that the idiots have programmed it for the same songs at the same time on the same day.

The cycle repeats itself on a weekly basis right on the same hour for hour program.

That means that anyone who goes to the gym at roughly the same time every day, every week—practically everyone—will see the same songs over and over.

I am not sure that it is perfectly true. It will take another week to be sure.

How idiotic.

Should I write a letter?

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