
Sunday, November 25, 2007


Today's NYTimes Best 1176 Film was

Sansho The Bailiff (1954)

This tale of unremitting suffering is based on a Japanese folk tale.

It is also unremittingly beautiful.

There is a lot of culture clash in watching these Japanese films.

Sometimes you just want to shake the hero or heroine and tell them to get over it.

In this one, they eventually do get to the end of the tunnel although, by the time they do, the light is pretty dim.

There is a lot of stuff in Ebert (at the link) about camera movement that I never heard of before.

If it wasn't so depressing, I might watch the film again to see what he is talking about.

I will give it a 3 out of Netflix5.

I am not as culturally mobile as I would like to think that I am.


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