Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I have been worried about my backup storage for awhile.
Especially my photo collection.
I have 7000 photos and growing.
I finally took a look at the Apple Store on line and they had a special for a 500 GB iomega.
It was on sale.
After a phone consult with Dave, I got it.
It is here.
It is working.
But not without having to be reformatted. No one told me that. Not on the literature.
It is a dual machine for PC and Mac so you know there has to be something done.
Again, help from Dave.
Another problem. I hadn't really thought through my storage plan and so I dumped a lot of photos down that just ended up on the disc with no file. It was hell rounding them up and putting them into the corral.
But, as with most fuckups, I learned a lot.
It is the school of hard knocks for me most of the time.
I not only got the knowledge but I withstood the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
What doesn't kill me makes me strong. Or something.
I am going to have to do the whole job of downloading over again with better organization.
But, for now, I have a backup of all my material.
If the Mac dies tonight, we are ready.
I have lots of space to fool around with.
The storage disc has 500 times the memory of my Mac.
It will take a long time to fill it up.