Friday, November 02, 2007
The more Hillary Clinton rises in the polls and all, the more people are giving her a hard time. The debates the other night.
There is this heavy criticism of her waffling on issues.
She is going to get the nomination.
She is probably going to be President.
She has to take this game very seriously because to lead, she knows from experience, she will be counted on to live up to her word.
In this respect, she has a flaw.
She will not lie.
I know there are people who think the Clinton's lie all the time.
I am not one of them.
My observation is that Hillary will not fall into the form of politics in which she says what people want to hear and then goes the other way.
We have had that for eight fucking long painful years.
So when she cannot come down on a clear side, she is being honest with us.
These are difficult issues.
A lot of us want a black and white world.
The bushies have played into that oversimplification and lost badly.
I don't want her to be the Prez and have to fall back from promises. I don't want her to suffer the fate of the bushers by over simplification.
There are some people who just do not like her.
Well, there are always going to be people like that about every body.
That is why elections have two or more parties running.
Let her waffle if she wants.
I would rather have a problem solver than an idealogue any day.