
Friday, November 16, 2007


So after chasing down all the possibilities, the man says I have a wrecked hard disc.

I can spend 400 bucks and get a new disc in an old computer (five years) or get a new one.

For 3 times as much I can get an iMac.

I probably only need the smallest one. 20 inch screen. 250 GB hard drive.

We have an authorized dealer in the valley now. One that also has service. So I will probably get it there.

In a week.

We have family here all week from tomorrow through Friday. If I had a new Mac here at the same time, I would be nuts wishing I was at my Mac or my family. Conflict.

I don't do conflicted feelings very well.

So I will delay gratification.

I don't kid myself though. It is a lot of work to get a new computer going.

Some good karma in that I just got the new storage disc a few weeks ago and downloaded all my 7500 photos on it.

Not neatly but they are there.

Yeh.7500. I have a huge collection of erotic photos that I have collected over the years. When I see something I like, I save it and put it in iPhoto.


I use them as sceen savers, a slide show, two hundred at a time.

But I digress.

I also saved all my Quicken and other stuff at the same time.

I did not, however, take a screen shot of my bookmarks as I had once thought to do. SO I have to go back and reset all the day's blog reading, shopping sites, and all. Nothing has to be done immediately. I will probably just develop it like the fist one. When I need something I will do the signup.

So, I am a bit dismayed but I expected this.

I am on the verge of excitement over the new machine.

And in the meantime, I can get reacquainted with my old laptop.

PowerBook G4 which I used for many years off and on.

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