
Sunday, October 21, 2007


You might remember that I was/am a Howard Dean man.

I have had no reason to change my opinion of him over the four years that he has been 'gone'.

He is anything but gone.

His Meteoric Days Gone, Quiet Dean Leads Party

He is remaking the Democratic Party with the same competence that I think he would have been president.

He is a quiet force.

He is a worker. Tireless.

If they don't want him at the top of the ticket, he will move aside but he will not quit.

He will not go and collect his 'due' as a lobbyist or talking head.

I admire him.

He is a doer.

He is passionate.

I still love the scream.

But he is a quiet force now.

He may be paving the way for whoever they want at the top to win.

And you know what?

When they win, they will replace him with their on chairman/woman.

He has a thankless job for which I thank him.

I would still vote for him in a heartbeat.


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