Thursday, October 11, 2007
I had my semi-annual physical today but this is the big one.
EKG and a lot of other tests.
I usually get a pass on everything—A plus—but this year I have to go see the rectologist.
I have a polyp or a suspected polyp at less than finger length.
I guess it is an anal polyp.
I have already turned this into colo-rectal cancer of the advanced kind.
Do not send flowers, just money.
Of course polyps are routine if you have used your colon long enough.
I have already set up my appointment.
John went to this guy and he snipped a polyp out during the exam.
It isn't even a colonoscopy. He uses the funnel like in the picture. It doesn't hurt.
I really don't want it that simple.
I would like to have a second opinion.
Not really.
I will go and do the next indicated thing.
I don't have any other doctors like a lot of folks.
I know people who have their primary and then a bouquet of specialists.
I only go to my eye guy and that is because I don't trust optometrists.
So I am started on my collection.
Stay tuned. I won't let you miss a beat.
Labels: health