
Sunday, October 28, 2007


I was reading that the christian god is in the dugout of the Denver Rockies.

I saw a picture of a guy pointing up with two hands as he ran into home after a home run.

I read that they have bible study meetings and that you have to have some demonstration of christian faith to be on the team.

Bad Call or God's Will?

The article didn't mention any other faith. Or belief. Like atheism or something.

Goup prayer before games.

I have to say that it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot of good.

But, I might be speaking too soon.

Sometimes the old testament god lets the sinners get all complacent before he smiteth them.

It is always a he.

Wasn't it god that lifted the Red Sox Babe jinx? The cardinal or someone? Novenas?

At least no one is pointing to the fucking sky when they hit a home run.

They do that before to show where they are going to put it.

No. I guess that was the Babe.

Never mind.

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