
Thursday, October 04, 2007


Just for the record, my Anjou pears actually ripened!

Usually, the first of the season are a bit reluctant to do that final step.

So I had two today and they are pretty good.

The really get luscious after the full harvest gets going.

The problem about that out here is the lack of labor.

Let's start a second heading on that because I am rant prone on this subject.


Last year about 20% of the fruit harvest went unpicked because of the immigration crack down.

First, less people got over the line and second, a lot of 'illegals' are taking jobs less prone to raids.

This is a reality in California.

You can believe what ever you want to about the rights and wrongs.

In this economy, as in many others around the country, the 'illegals'—undocumented workers who deserve equal rights—do the work that no one else wants to do and without them the work will not get done.

There are no unemployed citizens of any income class or race who are showing up or who will show up for these jobs.


The pears—my pears—will rot on the ground and I will have to eat fucking bartletts or bosc or do without.

There is widespread ignorance on the facts of the matter here.

For example, I live in an area that requires 'gardening'. Well, we could do without it and do it ourselves.

But we will not.

The gardeners and landscapers depend on 'illegals'. They could not be competitive without it.

We have house cleaners.

They will be largely illegal also.

We could clean our own houses. But we do not and that is not the point.

All the restaurants and hotels in this town use 'illegal' people.

How can this be?

How could national chains such as Hilton and IHOP and KFC and all be using undocumented workers?

They use contractors who take the risk. Or they take their chances.

That is the reality.

So if you have 'ideas' or 'positions' about this issue and you are staying in a hotel or having your coffee or eating out, think twice.

This is going on in every state of the union.

We are in a massive case of denial when it comes to our work force and we had better get our shit together about it soon.

This is a phony issue to distract from the terror mentality that has grown up all around.

Believe me, you are not at risk from some Mexican gardener.

There is a greater risk that some republican flag waver is listening in to your telephone and reading your mail. Or monitoring your purchases on line to say nothing of looking at the stops you make with the bloggers.

Now, do I really believe that this is happening?


They are too incompetent to make that effort.

It is one more measure of the unlikelihood that any Central or South American working for subsistence wages is a danger to the republic.

That is enough.

I am getting a headache.

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