Sunday, September 23, 2007
I am sorry that Marcel Marceau is dead.
But he did have a long and happy life.
Well, at least, long.
You can never be sure about the happy part.
Besides, in his case, how would you know? He can't be cross examined/couldn't.
I have never cared much for the mime 'art'.
When I watched teevee, it would drive me from the room.
And, since he was the 'best' at it, he was even more unwatchable.
For a long time there seemed to be mimes everywhere.
The white grease paint crowd.
Now it is celebrity look-alikes.
All basically mute and, for all intents and purposes, without a shred of talent.
I had a friend who always told the mimes to 'get the fuck away'.
I was never that harsh. I just got away myself.
After all, how can you really confront a mime without looking like an asshole.
All that cloying innocence.
I think that is how they avoided serious criticism.
Like slapping a cute kitten.
RIP Marcel.
I don't suppose there were any last words, huh?
Labels: culture