Thursday, September 13, 2007
I have not been able to let go of this story:
Brainy Parrot Dies, Emotive to the End
Evidently, others have been stirred as well.
There have been three separate articles in the NYT about Alex the Parrot and all three have been on the most e-mailed list for 3 days.
Alex went beyond mere talking and into the realm of conversation.
He could also do calculations and mental tricks.

I always wanted a parrot.
But, I was unwilling to do the work required to have it.
We had friends who had a very talky bird when I was in my 20's and that seemed to satisfy all my craving for avian conversation.
But no.
Every time I encounter one I stay and am captivated by the phenomenon.
I have written about my current neighbor's minah bird which would mostly whistle and imitate motorcycles. Sirens.
S/he died of West Nile.
Now they have a baby who I whistle to every time I go past. It does a good wolf whistle and can do a two note song.
There is a downside here which I have to admit to.
I really don't think that parrots were meant to be kept in cages and trained to talk.
I think that their nature is to be in the forest imitating forest sounds as well as captivating each other for mating.
But these are perilous times for all birds and animals.
Parrots are pretty good survivors but I figure every threatened animal could use some human support.
I don't think that I want a pet polar bear though.
Labels: nature, polar bears