Friday, July 06, 2007
Let it be recorded that I sat through today's NYTimes Best 1176 Film
Indiana Jones; Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
It wasn't any better than it was the first time.
The story is in the setup page of the disc. They show all the scenes.
It is like the Disney ride which I have taken.
In, up, down, up and out.
There is no story here. No depth.
This is one damn thing after another. A 'best of' compendium of all the adventure films we have seen.
A museum piece about museum pieces.
There are no characters. The 'ark' has more personality than anyone in the story.
In a retrospective review, Ebert wrings some insight out of this exercise in serial escapes. Escapism.
Don't get me wrong. I like a little escapism as much as anyone but this is very thin stuff. High production values though.
I will give it a 2 out of Netflix5 because I do like watching Harrison Ford.
This is the best part and it is in the beginning of the picture.

Labels: best films