
Thursday, July 19, 2007


I cancelled my on-line Wall Street Journal the other day.

There were several factors.

One was the potential buyout by Murdoch.

Why would I patronize such an endeavor.

If I take away my subscription it makes the buy less desirable. (yeh, I think that way)

Another thing. I needed the time. I was going back to the daily NYTimes Crossword and it does take some minutes out of the day.

Now I have many more.

A third thing.

The site crashed my browser a lot.

The WSJ has never been friendly for Mac browsers; Safari.

There are some sites that are not. Most are.

I used to have other problems of navigating. I could live with them. But the crashing is too much.

And don't say it is my computer.

I just went through a complete tune up and cleaned out a lot of disharmony.

I will miss a few features. I loved "The Numbers Guy", Carl Bialik.

They also had a running blog by a country doctor, a woman who used her family to diagnose personal financial problems and issues.

I will really miss the guy who is doing an ex-pat thing in China while his wife works an overseas assignment for her company. He is a house-daddy except that he writes!

But hard business news?

Not really.

I like the general articles a lot but I can do without them.

In fact, I have. This is the first week without it. I have not had one withdrawal syndrome.

I check the market (just for fun) on Yahoo Business which is really AP.


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