Monday, July 16, 2007
Today I watched the first half of
It is 3 1/2 hours long.
There is some pretty good 'stuff' in the beginning showing the early days at Edwards Air Force Base.
I have been there and seen the first mach 1 plane.
Over in Mojave which is the non-government testing area, the facilities almost look the same as we see in the film.
Sam Shepard is Chuck Yeager.
Then, we get to the astronauts.
This is all based on the Tom Wolfe book and so, probably, apocryphal.
Nevertheless it is a good story.
The guys are fun to watch and there are some actors that I especially like; the aforementioned Sam Shepard, Dennis Quaid (with baby fat), Fred Ward, and Ed Harris.
I am looking forward to the second half.
The review at the link is the original Ebert review. Tomorrow I will have his 20 years later writeup.

Labels: best films