Sunday, July 29, 2007
Let the record state that I have finished the last Harry Potter installment.
I leave the series as a satisfied customer.
When I turn so much time and energy over to an author it is important that I have trust in being dealt a fair deal and Rowling has always done that.

We have read a lot of this genré of fiction—wand and sorcery—and this is not always the case. Somewhere in a series (an all of them seem to go on and on) there will be a blip or a crack and one's confidence in the author is lost. Or you get to see a glimpse behind the curtain and it is disruptive. Some authors trick you and turn the tables with heroes who turn out to be villains. Nasty stuff.
I am not interested in the merits of the series as literature, serious or otherwise.
The general interest in it has been phenomenal and by any measure, a great success. It has been fun to be a part of that also.
I will not spoil or reveal but only say that, as far as I can tell, every character in the long series is accounted for and every plot turn straightened out.
The grand finale manages to involve all the characters that we care about either gladly or with deep displeasure.
The emotions are deeply affected.
I had one 'difficult' night in the middle of the reading.
A very nice job indeed.
I am not sorry that I hung in.
It was never a burden but not always an unalloyed pleasure.
It was always involving whether I liked the involvement or not.