
Saturday, July 14, 2007


I am going through one of those dry periods with the blog.

This is an old, familiar condition.

It begins with the feeling that nothing is important enough to put up there.

This feeling flies in the face of facts.

I have written blog items about virtually nothing, of no importance whatsoever.

So history does not support this 'feeling'.

There is also the issue of 'time'.

I don't have 'time' to make an entry right now.

Well, shit, I never have time to make an entry. I just make entries.

Time moves along and there is no issue.

I am retired after all.

Then there is ennui. A frenchy kind of word.

A lack of interest in life and, oh, I don't know.

A swift boot in the ass is usually enough to get me out of that one.

What comes to mind right now is a great cover and article in Vanity Fair about Shia LaBeouf (Sh-EYE-a La BUFF) who is the star of the big summer Michael Bay spectacle Transformers.

Long time readers will know that I have taken a shine to Shia and have seen all of his films except I-Robot which requires a tolerance for Will Smith which I do not have.

He has a great story.

I would link it but it is not one of the 'linkables' on the VF site.

Well, I got one item out.

Now I feel myself subsiding back into that frenchy stuff.

It is time to go anyway.

Meditate, breakfast, off to a Meeting.

Today is Saturday. No bike.


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