Sunday, May 06, 2007
This is the week that most/many of the snowbirds fly back to their northern homes.
When the temps get to 90 in the desert, they flock to cooler climes. Never mind that this is the best time of the year here. Dry heat, you know.
This year, we have actually been having a spring. Not hot yet.
But many or most have to leave anyway.
If they are Canadian, they must be at home 6 months to qualify for government medical care.
If they are US people, they have to be out of state to avoid the 'onerous' California income tax.
So off they go.
This leaves us with more parking spaces, less lines in stores, easier times crossing the street and so on.
When we take our dog walks through the condo-towns nearby there will be silence and an occasional tumbleweed.
So nice.
Goodbye birds.
Come back in November! And don't forget to bring your long green with you.