Friday, May 11, 2007
I agonized about the complexity of uploading photos from my new Canon to my Mac.
I think that I got done in by the CD that was sent along and the dire warnings about hooking up before the software was loaded.
But then I found an extra handout amidst the flurry of paper that comes with the camera; bigger than the camera, actually.
It said that MaciPhoto would do the job. Well, there are a few exceptions but I would not be in those areas.
Even then, I worried.
I put it aside overnight.
I even dreamt about it.
Then this morning, I took the plunge.
I put the UBS into the computer.
Then, I put the connection at the other end of the cable in the indicated port in the camera.
I turned on iPhoto.
I turned the Canon to the play >.
I turned the Canon on.
Up on the screen is the upload page.
Hit the button.
There are my pictures.
One of my feet. Another of the painting at the end of the kitchen. Overflashed. Another of the painting without the flash.
Then I trashed all the pictures.
I am ready for the real thing.
Labels: camera