Sunday, May 13, 2007
I watched one quarter of
I watched any of it so I could see Shia LaBouef.
I wanted to view all the movies he has made, you see.
This one is a graphic novel (comic book) adaptation (Hellblazer) and has so many effects you can't hear the dialog. Echoes, whooshes, impending doom sounds.
Keanu Reeves is Constantine and that is good.
LaBouef is Keanu's sidekick with a wannabe fascination for his hero.
We also have Pruitt Taylor Vince and Tilda Swinton.
I really like watching all these folks but they cannot save this picture which is a compendium of horror effects and bad demons trying to cross over from hell or someplace.
It is all a bummer.
Constantine is dying from high speed lung cancer. He is a lifetime chain smoker.
Rachel Weisz is in it too but I couldn't figure how she got there or what she was doing. She gave me a headache.
Some of the setups are pretty good. The opening is riveting.
But then there is an exorcist kind of segment; been there done that.
It is all segments.
The director is fresh from a music video career.
There is no music.
And so on.
This is a rare 1 out of Netflix5.
I did get the irony of Shia LaBoeuf coming up and Keanu coming down. My interest in the former waning and the latter growing.
LaBoeuf is not a Keanu. If anything he is an anti-Keanu.
LaBeouf is more John Cusack.
Anyway, I can scratch this one off the list of unseen LaBouef films.
I didn't see it all but I saw him. That was enough.