Wednesday, May 23, 2007
We had another hearing today about the monstrosity proposed across from our pool area. Two floors. See right down into our pool.
The guy submitted the same plans he had before after a lengthy instruction by two town committees to make some changes.
A 'fuck you' if ever I saw one.
So the Planning Commission is just about to deny his permit entirely.
We made our presentations anyway.
They have to be tired of seeing us but the point has definitely been made.
So, right in the middle, here comes the developer saying that he really has new plans and could he have a continuance so that he can make another proposal and not have to start at zero.
He said that after my speech.
I think he would have said it anyway but I like to think I scared him off.
We had 14 people there today, seven households.
John just called.
The Commission voted to deny the application. No continuance. Unanimous.
But that is not the end of it.
He can and will certainly apply to City Council for an over-ride. All conventional wisdom says that will fail but we are not going to back off.
So it is probably one more trip to City Hall and at least another speech.
Labels: macmansion