Friday, May 18, 2007
Someone has pointed out something that I already know but didn't think that any one else would notice.
I give out a lot of 5's in the Netflix rating system. Probably less 3's than 4's.
A 1 or a 2 is a condemnation.
I do not mark 'on the curve'.
I think that part of the skew is that I am watching 'best films' for the most part.
But I rate the ones off the list pretty much the same way.
I do think about the algorithm at Netflix and want to influence it.
This is a bit stupid, as I rarely look at my 'recommendations'.
I have about 300 films in my queue after all. I don't really need any more 'new ideas'.
Maybe I am just a black and white kind of guy.
Anyway, I am just acknowledging the obvious.
Maybe I will start to be more various; restrict myself to the 2,3,4 range unless there is a real stinker or, at the other end, a once in a lifetime experience.
Labels: films