Thursday, May 24, 2007
I like David Pogue a lot.
He has a weekly newsletter which covers so many areas.
The new camera I bought is his recommendation.
He was right on about it.
Today, he has a discouraging discovery. The spoils system in the electronic age.
He has found a new web site that tracks the connection between campaign donations and voting record for politicians all over.
It aspires to be a state by state record but so far only California is completely set up.
And boy is that discouraging.
Party means nothing.
They are all on the tit.
Following the Money Trail Online
I tried it out and it is even more discouraging than Pogue lets on.
You may want to wait a couple of days.
Like a lot of these things, the site has apparently gone viral and is overloaded.
All it takes is one article by a Pogue and you get all your servers blown.
Labels: corruption, politics