Tuesday, May 22, 2007
When I hurt my leg in the bike/ice accident, I was off for 10 weeks.
No bike. No exercise.
Not even walking the dog a lot of the time.
So I gained some weight. 8-10 pounds depending on what I blamed it on.
I have a tendency to put on weight anyway with the diet that I have devised; maybe a pound every two months.
So I feel fat.
I am not at the dread 170 where people of my height are considered 'overweight' but I am close enough to be alarmed.
My body fat has also creeped up to the average 17-18%. I am not average. As a rule, I stay at the 13% area.
So it is time to tuck into my halfway measures diet.
I have a great eating plan. It is diverse and covers all the basics. It would be wrong to eliminate stuff from it.
So I just cut it in half.
One egg and half a bread this morning along with half the apple sauce and half the wheat chex. Some peanuts. Half.
That is breakfast.
Half a sandwich and half the fruit for lunch.
One pretzel in the afternoon.
Half the dinner except for the protein.
Tomorrow morning, half the yogurt, half the fruit, half the cereal and so on.
The weight will plummet and except for a bit of hunger there will be no consequences. I do not feel deprived because I get all the same foods that I like and are good for me.
A good deal.
In about 6 weeks I will have lost ten pounds.
Then, I will bottom out. The 'starvation' factor will hit my body and I will have to decide whether to be radical or just let the bottom be.
Radical would be to cut out the peanuts and the frozen yogurt entirely.
Hard psychologically but not really.
I cannot abide being 'hefty'. Man boobs are not my thing. Love handles are not OK.
So here I go.
Labels: health