Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Today we watched Stephen Frears'
Mrs. Henderson Presents (2005)
with Dame Judi Dench and Bob Hoskins.
I am no fan of Dame Judi, god knows, but I have to say that Frears has fit his film to her best side. Hoskins amazes with a non-cockney accent.
The film is wonderful to its core and Frears' skill at pulling the levers is apparent as he moves through the story of Mrs. Henderson's theater and the relationship that she has with her producer.
The songs are great and the glimpses of the music hall performances were just enough to make me want to have been there.
Newsreel footage is used for some WWII sequences. They give a chilling sting of reality to the proceedings.
This is very hard to do; grainy, dark and out of synch. He cuts them in and selects with perfect timing and dramatic effect.
I saw some of these in US movie theaters when I was a kid. Perhaps that adds to the sting.
I am nearly at the end of the FrearsFest.
It is rather clear to me that Frears has chosen to do one of everything in his career and a few original things as well.
I have seen the costume drama, the mystery, the thriller, the con artist game, the ethnic comedy and so on.
Very good stuff.
Now, I am ready to see his latest release—a biopic—The Queen. This is what started me on this Fest business in the first place.