Friday, May 11, 2007

Closing the Frears Fest is his lastest
with Helen Mirren and there is Sylvia Syms over Helen's left shoulder as the Queen Mother.
Martin Sheen is Tony Blair and James Cromwell as Phillip.
This is docu-drama. Another genré cracked by Frears.
I mentioned the interweaving of real news footage in the Henderson film yesterday.
Here, the use of videos and newscasts of the Diana period is masterly. It is hard, at times, to know when Frears has made his own newsreel and when it is the actual footage.
Mirren is great. So is Sheen.
It is a pretty good film. A certain 5.
It is so close to the time that all this happened that it is a bit like eavesdropping which, of course, makes it even more delicious. And a bit embarrassing.
A superb finalé to the Frears Fest.
Now, back to some other films; not the NYTimes yet. More that I wanted to see (Shia again) and then I will return to the Best.