Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I have never been a football fan but it was hard to live in Boston in the 80's and not be fascinated with the little guy who could pass a football, Doug Flutie.
Maybe it was his name. A funny one. Memorable.
Perhaps it was the improbability of a normal (not little) guy making a football career. He was my size.
Today he got to be in the College Football Hall of Fame on his first year of eligibility.
Hail, Flutie! QB enters college hall
Everyone was excited by Flutie.
I remember one night at the gay bar Buddies when someone said that Doug Flutie had come in.
I can't say that it was him. It looked like it might be.
I am sure that he was/is not gay. But a lot of gay bars let the hets in; especially jock-hets.
What I remember is the energy level in the bar rising to the max.
The place almost rose off the ground! And the bar was in a basement.
Doug Flutie.
The way the profile at the link reads, he had a great career and is a good guy.