Wednesday, May 16, 2007
My Dad used to refer to 'most' preachers as 'mealy mouthed bastards' who would smile at you at the same time they were taking your money and feeding you a line.
And he went to church!
The king of the mealy mouth bastards died yesterday; Jerry Falwell.
Here is an appreciation of the man. Actually he wasn't much of a man. A demagogue of the worst kind; a holy roller on a hate mission. An American jihadist.
When I was a kid the type of preacher that my Dad referred to was relatively harmless. He usually only conned a few church ladies and didn't harm the community much.
This Falwell pretty much invented the hate message as an added spin on his money making machine. Televangelists like Oral Roberts and Jimmy Haggard never used that approach. They were straight on born-again con men.
Falwell pretty much invented the slide of religion into politics. He took the old Father Coughlin radio hate model and folded it into the teevee driven faith fest.
Pat Robertson was not too far behind.
Now we are up to our asses in 'religious' bigotry.
A viral explosion of god-pilots bent on telling people how to live their lives, how to vote, and who to hate.
The only thing I could think of saying to Jerry's fat-assed soul is "good riddance" and "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out".
Labels: christist watch