Saturday, April 07, 2007
When I was a kid, the Alger Hiss case was almost constantly in the news.
I was fascinated with it. And I was only 11 or 12 when it all came down.
I remember that as a beginning of my skepticism around government and the people in it.
Hiss was a hobby horse for the McCarthy crowd to ride; a commie in the State Department.
Unless you were around at that time, you cannot imagine the depth of paranoia about communist infiltration of the government.

Since Hiss had a great deal to do with the founding of the United Nations, his 'guilt' was used to undermine the US role in it.
Today, UN enemies still run the bullshit to keep the United States from full support and participation.
Richard Nixon (below) got his start by Hiss-baiting.
The Hiss case still resonates as a subject for conspiracists on both sides.
Here is the latest:
Alger Hiss spy trial's gay angle revealed
This is a new gay angle incidentally.
We already know that Hiss' accuser, Whitaker Chambers, was a closet case and half a nut.
It is a fascinating story that will not go away.
Hiss lived a long life and continued to fight for his reputation in a very gentlemanly way. His sons continue the campaign even today.

Labels: blacklist, communists, nostalgia